We are the Drunks

Last Friday TinyA and I headed to Gannon's while the sun was still shining. It was very strange to see the place all lit up by the outside world. Jas joined us later and had some catching up to do, which basically meant we all drank faster - never a good idea. We played some banger music from the eighties - Twisted Sister, Motley Crue, and of course our usual array of songs that couldn't possibly be more eclectic. We were pleased that there were two different bartenders working who had never seen the likes of us before. A blonde who was on top of both bartending and keeping our drinks coming, and then later a young guy who seemed to like our taste in music and obliged us by turning up the volume several times. No crabby Smiths guy, no ditzy stoned case of amnesia, and no medical student who hates fun drunks... It was a whole new Gannnons and we loved every minute of it. Afterwards we headed to TinyA's and practiced what will soon become the one-hit wonder remake of Caroline's Dead - We Are the World. After eight or nine times, I think we were starting to have it down. We are the Gannon's. We are the grab-your-ankle-and-jump-backwards-dancers. We are the ones who ask you to turn the music up for every new song that comes on.... Come on sing along, you know the words.