Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Hey Summer, Wanna Play me?

A few weeks ago TinyA and I went to Gannon's to celebrate her big three-oh. We were sitting at a table talking nonstop as usual when a familiar face walked up to our table. I smiled and said hello and TinyA looked at me as if I invited him ahead of time to our festivities. Lo and behold, it was Napoleon fucking Dynamite - just a little more grown up with red hair and extremely intoxicated! He sat with us and bought us drinks and talked mostly about the White Sox. Much to my dismay he didn't mention that summer in Alaska hunting wolverines with his uncle or brag about his numchuck skills. But he was entertaining and surprisingly cool to have around, up until the point when he kept trying to hold my hand...
Later we headed to the Flying Pancake for some shitty food. The food was, well shitty, and we both received an unnecessarily large side of scary that neither of us ordered. Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Booty Booty Booty Booty.


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